Stefan Gvozdenovic, Johannes K. Becker, and David Starobinski, "SDR-based PHY Characterization of Zigbee Devices,"
IEEE MWSCAS 2020, August 2020. pdf.
Johannes K. Becker, Stefan Gvozdenovic, Liangxiao Xin, and David Starobinski, "Testing and Fingerprinting the Physical Layer of Wireless Cards with Software-Defined Radios,"
Computer Communications, Vol. 160, pp. 186-196, July 2020. pdf.
Stefan Gvozdenovic, Johannes K. Becker, John Mikulskis, and David Starobinski, "Truncate after Preamble: PHY-based Starvation Attacks on IoT Networks,"
ACM WiSec 2020, July 2020. pdf
John Mikulskis, Johannes Becker, Stefan Gvozdenovic, and David Starobinski, "Poster: Snout - An Extensible IoT Pen-Testing Tool,"
ACM CCS 2019, London, UK, November 2019. pdf
Liangxiao Xin, Johannes K. Becker, Stefan Gvozdenovic, and David Starobinski. Benchmarking the Physical Layer of Wireless Cards using Software-Defined Radios. 22nd Int’l ACM Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM ’19), Miami Beach, FL, November 25–29, 2019. [PDF]
M. Li, S. Gvozdenovic, A. Ryan, R. David, D.R. Brown III, and A.G. Klein. A Real-Time Implementation of Precise Timestamp-Free Network Synchronization. Proceedings of the 49th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 8-11, 2015. Paper available at: Link
Neamtu, Rodica, Ramoza Ahsan, Jeff Stokes, Armend Hoxha, Jialiang Bao, Stefan Gvozdenovic, Ted Meyer et al. "Taming Big Data: Integrating diverse public data sources for economic competitiveness analytics." In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Bringing the Value of Big Data to Users (Data4U 2014), p. 25. ACM, 2014. Paper available at: Link